
Three Tips to Help You Exercise Regularly in the New Year

Happy New Year! It's the time of year to think about what changes you want to make, and what type of lifestyle you want to lead. Our friend, Rachel Miller, The Pilates PT, has some tips to help you have success with exercising regularly and feeling good.

Add variety. We are more likely to choose activities that we enjoy. For example, if you love to run, it may be easy for you to consistently run a few times a week. Current guidelines recommend adults get a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week - or a combination of both. Strength training twice a week is also recommended. Not surprisingly, more exercise will provide greater health benefits. You should have a combination of cardio, strength, and mobility/flexibility in your exercise routine. FIT4MOM Greater Northwest Chicago Suburbs offers a variety of classes that will keep your routine fresh and incorporate types of exercise you may not have considered before.


What does your body need? Pregnancy, childbirth and caring for a baby are not easy on your body. During pregnancy your body is changing every day and as the pregnancy progresses, you will need to modify some exercises. For example, lying on your belly is not possible after a certain point. For a plank, you may need to modify on your knees or to make it even easier, with hands on the wall or back of the couch. Prenatal FIT4BABY classes with FIT4MOM Greater Northwest Chicago Suburbs are designed for expecting moms and safe to do in any trimester.

Once cleared to exercise postpartum, start gently and gradually increase intensity. Classes like Stroller Strides and Stroller Barre with FIT4MOM Greater Northwest Chicago Suburbs are great for the postpartum mom, and can be started as early as 6 weeks after baby is born with doctor approval.

I also highly recommend checking yourself for Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation) before starting to exercise. We ALL develop diastasis as the pregnancy progresses and often at 6 weeks post-baby it is not fully healed. Be mindful of this and know that using your INNER abdominals (transverse abdominis muscle) can help the diastasis to heal AND help restore a functional core. Your pelvic floor muscles are also part of the deep core system, so if you are leaking urine or feces or feeling heaviness in your pelvic floor go to a pelvic floor Physical Therapist. If you are not experiencing pain, pelvic floor issues or have diastasis recti, then return to exercise when you feel ready and are cleared by your birth provider. Pain or bleeding during or after exercise is not normal so decrease the intensity or stop for a week or two before trying again.

If you are not sure if you have diastasis recti or just feel that your core is weak or never really recovered post-baby, you would benefit from some help to reconnect with your core! That is why we developed Mommy Tune Ups and some specialty classes- like our virtual Core & Pelvic Floor Women's Wellness class coming up soon.

If you had a baby years ago and are experiencing any of the above, you can still make changes! It is never too late.

Make a Plan. Working out rarely happens if you don't put it on your schedule, especially when you have little ones at home. Sign up for a class. Even better, have someone else meet you there so you can keep each other accountable. Grab a FREE CLASS with FIT4MOM Greater Northwest Chicago Suburbs and put your plan into action.


Regular exercise will make you physically stronger, can reduce anxiety and depression, aid in weight management, lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and improve sleep quality. I wish you a happy, healthy and strong new year!